Monday, July 31, 2023

11 Compelling Reasons to Travel and Explore the World

Are you yearning for adventure? Do you feel the pull of wanderlust in your heart? Traveling opens doors to incredible experiences, personal growth, and unforgettable memories. Whether you're a seasoned globetrotter or an aspiring explorer, here are 11 compelling reasons why you should embark on a journey to explore the world.

1. Cultural Exploration:

Immerse yourself in vibrant cultures! From tasting exotic cuisines that tantalize your taste buds to experiencing local traditions that ignite your curiosity, travel allows you to embrace the diversity and richness of different cultures. There's nothing quite like the joy of connecting with people from around the world and gaining a deeper understanding of their way of life. Share your favorite cultural encounters and let the world inspire you.

2. Natural Wonders:

Witness nature's breathtaking beauty! Traveling takes you to awe-inspiring natural wonders, from cascading waterfalls that mesmerize with their sheer power to towering mountains that touch the skies. Let nature's grandeur leave you in awe as you explore the diverse landscapes our planet has to offer. Tag a friend who shares your love for nature and start planning your next adventure together.

3. Personal Growth:

Travel is a transformative journey of self-discovery. Stepping outside your comfort zone, you'll encounter new perspectives, challenge your assumptions, and uncover hidden strengths within yourself. Embrace the unknown, learn to adapt, and allow the experiences you gain on your travels to shape and enrich your personal growth. Share how travel has positively influenced your life and inspire others to embark on their own transformative journeys.

4. Connection with People:

Make unforgettable connections across the globe! Traveling offers opportunities to meet people from different backgrounds, forge lifelong friendships, and create lasting memories. There's something magical about the bonds we form on the road, connecting us with fellow explorers and locals alike. Cherish the friendships you make and let them be a reminder of the power of human connection.

5. Relaxation and Escape:

Escape the daily grind and find tranquility in stunning destinations. Travel provides a chance to rejuvenate, unwind, and disconnect from the stresses of everyday life. Whether it's basking in the sun on a pristine beach, exploring serene natural landscapes, or indulging in a spa retreat, give yourself the gift of relaxation and let travel be your ultimate escape.

6. Adventure and Thrills:

Seek adrenaline-pumping adventures that make your heart race! From skydiving over breathtaking landscapes to surfing the crashing waves, travel allows you to push your boundaries and embrace thrilling experiences. Let the rush of adventure fuel your spirit as you embark on daring escapades around the world. Share your most exhilarating travel moments and inspire others to embrace their sense of adventure.

7. Educational Experiences:

Expand your horizons through educational travel. Explore the history, art, science, and cultures of different destinations. Uncover the stories behind ancient ruins, visit world-class museums, or engage in hands-on experiences that deepen your understanding of the world. Travel is a remarkable teacher that offers invaluable lessons at every turn. Share the destinations that have taught you the most and inspire others to embark on educational journeys.

8. Unforgettable Memories:

Collect moments, not things. Traveling allows you to create memories that last a lifetime. Whether it's witnessing a breathtaking sunset, sharing laughter with newfound friends, or immersing yourself in unique experiences, the moments you gather on your journeys become cherished memories. Reflect on your most unforgettable travel memory and let it transport you back to those magical moments.

9. Inspiration for Others:

Inspire wanderlust in others! Share your favorite travel quotes, stories, or experiences that ignite a sense of adventure in others. Motivate fellow travelers to embark on their own incredible journeys, discover new horizons, and fulfill their travel dreams. Let's spread the travel bug and inspire a global community of explorers.

10. Celebrating Milestones:

Toast to life's milestones on your travels! Whether it's a birthday, anniversary, or a personal achievement, traveling offers a unique backdrop for unforgettable celebrations. Mark your special moments in extraordinary destinations, creating memories that intertwine with your life's milestones. Share your most memorable celebration while exploring the world and inspire others to make their milestones truly remarkable.

11. Sporting Events:

Feel the thrill of sporting events around the world! From the grandeur of the World Cup to the Olympic Games, travel allows you to witness historic moments and experience the electric atmosphere of sports. Cheer alongside passionate fans, immerse yourself in the excitement, and create lasting memories that unite sports and travel. Share your favorite sporting event memory and let the camaraderie of sports inspire your wanderlust.

There you have it - 11 compelling reasons to ignite your wanderlust and explore the world. Whether you're seeking cultural enrichment, personal growth, relaxation, or thrilling adventures, travel offers a multitude of rewards. Embrace the transformative power of travel, create unforgettable memories, and inspire others to embark on their own incredible journeys.

As a passionate travel agent, I'm here to help you turn your travel dreams into reality. Whether you're planning a solo adventure, a romantic getaway, or a family vacation, I can assist you in designing a personalized itinerary that matches your interests, preferences, and budget. Let's make your travel experiences seamless, memorable, and truly remarkable.

Contact me today at to start planning your next adventure. Together, we'll navigate the world of possibilities and create a travel experience tailored just for you. Don't wait any longer - the world is waiting to be explored!

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Why Working with a Travel Advisor Can Make All the Difference: Debunking Misconceptions and Highlighting Benefits


Picture this: You're planning your dream vacation to a far-off destination, but you're overwhelmed by the number of choices and logistical details to consider. Now imagine having an expert travel advisor by your side, handling all the details and helping you make the most of your time and budget. And even thinking of things that you may have overlooked. Sound too good to be true? It's not - working with a travel agent can make all the difference.

Here are a few reasons to work with a travel advisor:

  1. Save time: Travel advisors can save you time by handling all of the research, planning, and booking for your trip. They can recommend the best flights, accommodations, and activities based on your preferences and budget.
  2. Access to exclusive deals and upgrades: Travel advisors often have access to exclusive deals and upgrades that you may not be able to find on your own. 
  3. Expert destination knowledge: Travel advisors are often experts in specific destinations or types of travel. They can provide insider tips and recommendations that you may not find in guidebooks or online. This is a great benefit for travelers who have limited travel experience or who are traveling to a new or unfamiliar destination.
  4. Personalized service: Travel advisors can tailor your trip to your individual needs and preferences. They can recommend activities, restaurants, and accommodations based on your interests and travel style.
  5. Peace of mind: With a travel advisor, you have someone to turn to if anything goes wrong during your trip. They can help you navigate unexpected situations and make alternate arrangements if necessary.
  6. Customized itineraries: Travel advisors can create customized itineraries that include all the activities and experiences you want to have on your trip.
  7. Save money: Travel advisors can often help you save money on your trip by finding the best deals and discounts. They can also help you avoid costly mistakes, such as booking the wrong flights or accommodations.
  8. 24/7 support: Many travel advisors offer 24/7 support while you are traveling. This means you can contact them at any time if you need assistance or advice.
  9. Trip planning for complex itineraries: If you're planning a complex trip that involves multiple destinations, transportation modes, and activities, a travel advisor can help you create a seamless itinerary and handle all of the logistics.
  10. Value: As a travel advisor, one of my top priorities is to ensure that you're getting the best value for the money you spend on your trip. With a travel advisor, you can feel confident that you're getting the most out of your travel budget and enjoying a high level of value for your money.

Misconceptions of working with a travel advisor:

  1. Misconception: I Can't Control My Vacation Details   Reality: This is a common misconception, but it's simply not true! I offer a personalized planning experience that caters to each client's unique needs and preferences. I understand that some clients prefer to be hands-on in the planning process, while others prefer a more hands-off approach. Regardless of what the client wants, I work with them to make their travel dreams a reality.
  2. Misconception: Can't Get the Best Discount   Reality: As a travel agent, I have access to the same discounts as consumers, and I can quickly compare prices from multiple suppliers to find the best deal. In addition, I have access to travel agent-only sites and insider knowledge that can help me find exclusive deals and promotions. It's important for clients to communicate any discounts they may have found so that I can explore all available options and find the best deal possible. By working together and communicating openly, I can ensure that my clients get the best possible value for their travel investment.
  3. Misconception: Can't Take Part in the Planning Process   Reality: I love it when my clients are knowledgeable and enthusiastic about their travel plans! I encourage clients to be involved in the planning process, and I work closely with them to ensure that their travel itinerary meets their needs and preferences.
  4. Misconception: It Costs Extra to Use a Travel Agent   Reality: There is no additional cost to using me as your travel agent. In fact, many clients are surprised to learn that they may already be paying a fee when booking their own travel. Suppliers include a hidden fee in their prices for the use of a travel agent whether or not one is used. By using my services, clients can be assured that they are getting the best value for their money.
  5. Misconception: There is No Benefit to Use a Travel Agent   Reality: This couldn't be further from the truth! I am a single point of contact for all of my clients' travel needs, providing personalized planning for each client. I offer insider knowledge, access to exclusive deals and promotions, and round-the-clock support before, during, and after travel. By working with a travel advisor, clients can save time, money, and stress while enjoying a seamless travel experience.
  6. Misconception: Travel Advisors Are Becoming Obsolete in the Age of Online Booking Reality: While it's true that online booking platforms have made it easier for consumers to book travel on their own, there are still many benefits to working with a travel advisor. I offer personalized service, insider knowledge, and round-the-clock support that simply can't be found through an online booking platform. In addition, I can often find exclusive deals and promotions that are not available to the general public.
  7. Misconception: Working with a Travel Advisor Is Too Complicated   Reality: Some people are intimidated by the idea of working with a travel advisor, assuming that the process is too complicated or time-consuming. However, I work hard to make the process as simple and straightforward as possible for my clients. I take care of all the details, from booking flights and hotels to arranging tours and activities, so my clients can simply relax and enjoy their trip.

Wondering What Value a Travel Advisor Can Add to Your Trip Planning?

Here is an example of the value a travel advisor can provide. Let's say you're planning a trip and you have two options: Option A is to book everything yourself and spend several hours researching flights, hotels, and activities to find the best deals. Option B is to use a travel advisor who can take care of all the details for you, often at the same cost. While Option A may initially seem like the cheaper route, it's important to consider the value of your time. How many hours will you spend on research and planning? What else could you be doing with that time? By hiring a travel advisor, you can save yourself the time and stress of trip planning and use that time for other valuable activities. In this case, Option B may actually be a better value when you consider the opportunity cost of your time. Additionally, working with a travel advisor provides peace of mind, expert recommendations, and access to exclusive deals and upgrades, all of which enhance the overall value of your trip.

Another key value of working with a travel advisor is my access to a network of suppliers and travel industry contacts. This means that if I don't have the answer to a question, I can quickly and easily reach out to my network to find the information my client needs.

In conclusion, don't let the stress and uncertainty of trip planning hold you back from exploring the world. Contact me today and let me take care of all the details, so you can focus on enjoying your adventure.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Why I Think Family Vacations Are Worth Missing School For

Every year, when my kids were younger and it was time to plan our family vacation, my husband and I faced the same dilemma: do we take the kids out of school, or try to squeeze in a trip during a holiday or summer break? For us, the answer has almost always been to go ahead and take the kids out of school. While some might argue that missing class time is a bad idea, we've found that the benefits of taking our kids on these trips far outweigh any potential downsides. In this post, I'll share why I believe taking kids out of school for a vacation can be a good idea, based on my own experience as a parent. From bonding as a family to experiencing new cultures, there are plenty of reasons to consider taking a break from the classroom for your next family adventure.

Benefits of taking your kids out of school for a family vacation

Taking kids out of school for a family vacation may seem like a risky choice, but the benefits can far outweigh any potential drawbacks. Here are a few reasons why I believe it's worth considering:

A. Time to bond as a family - Family vacations provide a unique opportunity to spend quality time together, away from the usual distractions of work, school, and other obligations. - By exploring new places, trying new things, and making memories together, families can strengthen their bonds and create shared experiences that last a lifetime.

B. Opportunities for experiential learning - Traveling to new places can be an incredible learning experience for kids, offering a chance to explore different cultures, cuisines, and ways of life. - Visiting museums, historical sites, and other educational attractions can be a fun and engaging way for kids to learn about history, science, and other subjects.

C. Chance to recharge and relax - School can be stressful for both kids and parents, and taking a break from the daily routine can be a great way to recharge and relax. - Getting away from the usual responsibilities and stresses of daily life can help everyone feel refreshed and rejuvenated.

D. Exposure to different cultures and ways of life - Traveling to new places can broaden kids' horizons and expose them to different cultures and ways of life. - By experiencing new foods, languages, customs, and traditions, kids can gain a greater appreciation for diversity as well as an appreciation for where they live.

E. Other advantages - Visiting places during off-peak travel times means less crowds, cheaper rates and easier availability of flights and accommodations. - Visiting friends and family with different school calendars may offer an opportunity to connect more closely with them.

Overall, I have found that the time spent as a family during a vacation is much more important than the time missed from school. By taking advantage of the unique opportunities that family vacations offer, parents can create lasting memories and strengthen their relationships with their children.

How to manage schoolwork during a family vacation

One of the biggest concerns parents have about taking their kids out of school for a family vacation is how to manage schoolwork while they're away. Here are some strategies that I've found helpful:

A. Take advantage of travel time - If you're flying or driving to your destination, use the time to work on assignments or study. - Pack laptops, textbooks, or other materials that your child may need to complete assignments.

B. Communicate with teachers ahead of time - Let your child's teachers know about your travel plans and discuss any assignments or tests that will be missed. - Ask for assignments or readings that can be completed during the trip.

C. Keep a journal or document the trip - Encourage your child to keep a travel journal or blog, documenting their experiences and observations during the trip. - This can be a fun way to engage with the destination and provide a record of the trip that can be shared with teachers and classmates.

D. Plan ahead - Try to schedule your trip during a slower period of the school year or during a school break. - Get assignments and readings ahead of time, so that your child can stay on track while away.

E. Talk to the school administration - If you're concerned about missing school, talk to the school administration or your child's guidance counselor. - Explain your reasons for taking the trip and discuss any concerns you may have about how it will affect your child's academic progress.

Overall, I've found that most teachers and schools are supportive of family vacations, as long as parents communicate with them ahead of time and make an effort to keep their children on track with schoolwork. By being proactive and planning ahead, parents can help ensure that their kids don't fall behind academically while still enjoying the many benefits of a family vacation.

Opportunities for learning during family vacations

One of the most rewarding aspects of taking our kids out of school for family vacations has been the opportunities for learning and cultural enrichment that these trips have provided. Here are some examples of the educational experiences our kids have had while travelling:

A. Experiencing different cultures - Our kids have had the opportunity to travel to different countries and experience new cultures, including those that are less fortunate than our own. - They have seen firsthand the struggles of children who have to work instead of attending school, and those who are begging on the streets. - These experiences have helped them to appreciate the opportunities and privileges that they have in their own lives, and to develop empathy and compassion for those who are less fortunate.

B. Exploring historical sites - We've taken our kids to historical sites such as Washington DC, Gettysburg, and Mt. Vernon, where they've been able to learn about important events and figures from American history. - These trips have helped bring history to life for our kids, making it more real and tangible than just reading about it in a textbook.

C. Trying new foods - One of the fun things about travelling is trying new foods from different cultures. - Our kids have been able to sample foods from around the world just by visiting places like EPCOT, where they can taste authentic cuisine from different countries.

D. Engaging in educational activities - We've printed out puzzles and word searches that relate to our destination for road trips, which have been a fun way to engage our kids in learning while on the go. - We also encourage our kids to journal their experiences, take photos, and make videos, which helps them to remember what they've learned and share it with others.

Overall, we've found that family vacations can be a wonderful opportunity for kids to learn about the world and broaden their horizons. By taking advantage of these opportunities for cultural enrichment, parents can help their kids to develop a deeper appreciation for the world around them and become more informed, empathetic, and compassionate individuals.

Conclusion: Traveling with your family is priceless

In conclusion, taking your kids out of school for a family vacation can be a wonderful decision with many benefits. By spending quality time together as a family, visiting less crowded locations, and experiencing different cultures and historical sites, you can create lasting memories and deepen your family bond. Additionally, many teachers are understanding and supportive of family travel, and students can often keep up with their schoolwork while on the go.

Most importantly, family travel can be a priceless opportunity to learn about the world and gain a greater appreciation for the people and places around us. By exposing our kids to different cultures, historical sites, and new experiences, we can help them develop empathy, compassion, and a broader worldview.

As a parent, I've come to cherish the memories and experiences that family travel has given us. From exploring new places and cultures to spending quality time together, these trips have brought our family closer and helped us appreciate the world around us. I hope that my children will continue this tradition when they have families of their own, and that they too will see the value in taking time away to explore, learn, and grow together. And now that my oldest is taking trips with his friends and chatting with me about the places he hopes to visit, I can see that I have instilled a love of travel in him, which makes my heart incredibly happy.

So, if you're considering taking your kids out of school for a family vacation, my advice is to take the leap and go for it. You won't regret it, and I guarantee that you'll come back with memories that will last a lifetime. Whether it's exploring new cultures, experiencing history firsthand, or simply spending quality time together, family travel is a rewarding and fulfilling experience. So why not start planning your next adventure today?

Friday, April 14, 2023

Beat the Heat: Why Summer is the Perfect Time to Visit Disney World

Summer is just around the corner, and for many families, that means it's time to start planning your annual Disney vacation. I know that traveling to Disney World during the summer months can come with some challenges, such as the heat and the crowds. But fear not! I'm here to show you why a summer trip to Disney World can be an unforgettable experience that's worth braving the heat for. From exclusive events to unique dining experiences, there are so many reasons to visit Disney World this summer. So, grab your sunscreen, a hat, and your sense of adventure, and let's explore why you should visit the most magical place on earth during the summer season.

Here are just 5 reasons to visit Disney World during the summer:
  1. Longer park hours: Disney World typically extends its park hours during the summer months, allowing visitors to make the most of their time in the park. This means that you can enjoy your favorite rides, shows, and attractions for longer periods.
  2. Fun summer activities: Disney World offers a variety of summer-themed activities and events that are perfect for families and children. These activities include water parks, pool parties, outdoor movies, and other seasonal experiences.
  3. Great weather: Although it can get hot during the summer months in Florida, the weather is generally pleasant and sunny, making it perfect for spending time outside and enjoying the park's many outdoor attractions.
  4. Special events: Disney World hosts several special events during the summer, including the Epcot International Food & Wine Festival, H2O Glow After Hours at Typhoon Lagoon, and Disney After Hours at EPCOT and Disney's Hollywood Studios. These events provide visitors with unique experiences and opportunities to explore the parks in new and exciting ways.
  5. Summer discounts: Disney World often offers special discounts and deals during the summer months, making it an affordable time to visit the park. From discounted hotel rates to park ticket packages, there are many ways to save money on your Disney World vacation during the summer.
Disney's H2O Glow Nights
First let's focus on the different events offered in the summer. Disney H2O Glow Nights is a separately ticketed event that takes place at Disney's Typhoon Lagoon water park during select nights in the summer. The event features a special glow-in-the-dark theme, inspired by the Pixar short film.

"Partysaurus Rex". By the way, I love this song! The entire album is fun to listen to, DConstructed.

During Disney H2O Glow Nights, guests can enjoy shorter wait times for popular water park attractions, as well as special entertainment, including a DJ dance party, and character meet-and-greets. There are also special food and beverage offerings, including a limited-time menu and glow-in-the-dark drinks.

Overall, Disney H2O Glow Nights is a fun and unique way to experience Disney's Typhoon Lagoon water park, with a special theme and entertainment offerings that are not available during regular operating hours.

Disney After Hours
Next up, Disney After Hours events at both Hollywood Studios and Epcot can be a great option for guests who want to maximize their time in the park, experience popular attractions with shorter wait times, and enjoy unique entertainment offerings that are not available during regular operating hours.

During Disney After Hours events, guests can enjoy exclusive access to the park after it has closed to regular day guests, meaning that wait times for popular attractions are significantly reduced. In addition to shorter wait times, guests can also enjoy complimentary snacks and drinks, as well as special character meet-and-greet opportunities and entertainment offerings.

At Hollywood Studios, attractions may include rides like Slinky Dog Dash, Tower of Terror, Star Wars Rise of the Resistance and Smuggler's Run with shorter wait times. Meanwhile, at Epcot, guests can enjoy attractions like Test Track, Frozen Ever After, Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind and Soarin' with shorter wait times and exclusive access to select restaurants and snack locations. Tip: check walk up availability for Oga's Cantina. 

Disney After Hours events officially begin at 10:00pm but with your event ticket you can get in as early as 7p. Tip: if you arrive early at EPCOT, you can watch EPCOT Forever. And let's not forget a tip or Hollywood Studios: arrive early and try and catch Fantasmic. Please note that offerings can vary from year to year. After Hours events are only offered on select nights throughout the summer. They can sell out so it's best to buy your tickets in advance.

Attending the Disney After Hours events at Hollywood Studios and Epcot can provide a fantastic opportunity to experience the parks in a whole new way and maximize your time there during the summer. With the added benefit of the events taking place in the evening, after the sun has gone down, visitors can enjoy a cooler and more comfortable temperature than during the daytime.

EPCOT Food and Wine Festival
One of my favorite festivals at Epcot is the Food and Wine Festival. This event runs from late July through mid-November. I love the opportunity to try new foods and rediscover some of my past favorites. During the festival, guests can enjoy a wide variety of food items from around the world, showcasing different cuisines and flavors.

In addition to the food offerings, the festival also features live concerts that are included with park admission, located at the America Gardens Theatre. This is a great way to experience some great music while enjoying the festive atmosphere and delicious food. Some of the performers this year include. Hoobastank, Boyz II Men, Ray Parker Jr., and Sugar Ray to name a few.

All in all, the Epcot Food and Wine Festival is a must-visit for foodies and anyone who loves to explore different cuisines and flavors. It's a great opportunity to sample dishes from around the world, enjoy live entertainment, and soak up the vibrant atmosphere of Epcot during this special event. 

Over the years, I have attended Food and Wine Festival several times. I really enjoy sampling the beer or wine flights in the different countries. Some of my favorite dishes are the Maple Bourbon Boursin Cheesecake with Maple Bourbon Cream, Caramel and Pecan Crunch, and the La Passion Martini Slush made with Vodka, Grey Goose Le Citron, Cranberry, and Passion Fruit Juice. Additionally, my family loved the Loaded Greek "Nachos" made with Pita Chips, Meatless Sausage Crumbles, and Vegan Tzatziki so much that we developed our own recipe and make it often at home. We also enjoy the Teriyaki Chicken Bun, which is a steamed bun filled with Chicken, Vegetables, and a Sweet Teriyaki Sauce from Japan.

Disney Springs
While the after-hours events at Disney World and festivals offer a unique way to experience the parks, there's another destination at Disney that offers a different kind of fun and entertainment. Disney Springs, located just outside the theme parks, is a must-visit destination for anyone looking to experience some of the best of Disney dining, shopping, and entertainment.

Visiting Disney Springs in the summer can be a great option for guests who want to take a break from the theme parks and enjoy some shopping, dining, and entertainment offerings in a more relaxed atmosphere. For the best experience, I suggest visiting Disney Springs early in the day to avoid crowds or taking advantage of the cooler weather in the evenings by visiting later in the day. 

As an outdoor shopping, dining, and entertainment complex, Disney Springs offers guests a wide range of experiences, from luxury shopping to family-friendly activities. During the summer months, guests can enjoy live entertainment like street performers and musicians, as well as special events and limited-time offerings.

Disney Springs is home to a wide range of dining options, from quick-service eateries to upscale restaurants. Guests can enjoy everything from classic American fare to international cuisine, with options for every taste and budget. Additionally, it's important to keep in mind that dining reservations are often necessary for the most popular restaurants at Disney World. If you have your heart set on a particular dining experience, be sure to make a reservation well in advance to ensure availability.

The Springs also offers a variety of unique shops and boutiques, offering everything from Disney merchandise to designer fashion. Whether you're looking for souvenirs to bring home or simply want to browse and shop, Disney Springs has something for everyone. Visiting the Springs in the summer can be a great way to take a break from the theme parks and enjoy some shopping, dining, and entertainment offerings in a more relaxed atmosphere. You may be wondering if I have any favorites at Disney Springs. I do! My top favorite eateries are Wine Bar George, Hangar Bar, and Gideon's. And here's something you may not know: many times you will find George, the owner of Wine Bar George, working at the restaurant, ensuring every guest has a memorable dining experience. So, whether you're in the mood for wine, craft beer, or mouth-watering cookies, you won't be disappointed.

Staying in the middle of the magic
Staying on-property at Disney World is the best option for experiencing the magic bubble that Disney World has to offer. When you stay at one of Disney's on-site hotels, you're not just getting a place to sleep - you're immersing yourself in the full Disney experience from the moment you arrive.

One of the biggest advantages of staying on-property is the convenience factor. Disney's on-site hotels are located just a short boat, bus, monorail or Skyliner ride away from the theme parks, which means that you can easily come and go from the parks throughout the day, without having to worry about driving, parking, or navigating unfamiliar roads. This is especially valuable during the hot summer months, when you may want to take a mid-day break and retreat to your hotel for a nap or a swim. With complimentary transportation options available throughout the day and evening, you can rest assured that getting to and from the parks will be a breeze.

Another advantage of staying on-property is the level of theming and immersive storytelling that Disney is famous for. Each on-site hotel has its own unique theme and design, from the grandeur of the Grand Floridian to the whimsy of the Art of Animation resort. When you stay on-property, you're not just staying in a hotel - you're entering a world of Disney magic and imagination.

Staying on-property also comes with a number of perks and benefits, such as early access to purchase Individual Lightning Lane Entry, complimentary transportation throughout the resort, and early theme park entry. These perks help to create a truly seamless and immersive Disney experience, where every detail is taken care of and every moment feels like magic.

Sometimes, after a long day at the parks, there's nothing better than taking a relaxing evening in your hotel room. With so many great dining options available at Disney World, you can easily pick up some delicious meals to go and enjoy them in the comfort of your own room. Whether you're in the mood for a pizza, a salad, or some sweet treats, you're sure to find something that satisfies your cravings. As you dine, you can catch up on your favorite movies or TV shows, or even watch a recording of the park's nightly fireworks displays on your hotel room's TV. It's the perfect way to unwind after a busy day and recharge for the next day. 

Art of Animation Resort
Grand Floridian

Ultimately, staying on-property at Disney World is the best option for fully immersing yourself in the Disney experience and enjoying the magic bubble that Disney is famous for. From convenience to theming to exclusive perks, there are countless reasons to choose an on-site hotel for your next Disney vacation. Disney World is currently offering a special room offer for summer 2023. Guests who book a stay at select Disney Resort hotels can save up to 25% on their room. Restrictions apply and discounts are based on availability. I am happy to put together a personalized, no-obligation quote based on your preferences and needs. Simply click here to fill out my Disney Vacation Inquiry form and provide me with some basic information about your travel dates, party size, and any specific requests or interests you have. From there, I will use my expertise and insider knowledge to create a tailored itinerary and quote that suits your unique needs and budget. So don't hesitate - take the first step towards your dream Disney vacation today!

In conclusion, despite the hot temperatures and crowds, there are plenty of reasons why visiting Disney World in the summer is a magical experience. From the exciting after-hours events to the delicious food festivals and everything in between, there's something for everyone to enjoy. And with the convenience of staying on-site, you can easily take a break from the heat and crowds whenever you need to. As a travel agent, I highly recommend considering a summer trip to Disney World for a truly unforgettable vacation.  

Ready to plan your dream summer vacation to Disney World?
So, do you think you're ready to experience the magic of Disney World this summer? From thrilling attractions to unique dining experiences, there's something for everyone to enjoy. As a travel agent, I'm here to help you plan the perfect summer getaway that's tailored to your needs and preferences. Whether you're looking for a relaxing resort stay or a jam-packed park adventure, I can help you create a vacation that's unforgettable. So why wait? Contact me today to start planning your summer Disney vacation, and let's make your dreams come true!

Thanks for reading my blogpost! Be sure to follow my travel adventures on Facebook and Instragram @GwendolensTravels. Or click here to learn more about me and to start planning your magical vacation.

Monday, March 13, 2023

From Raptor Encounters to Butterbeer: Just two of the things I love at Universal Orlando Resort


Looking for a fun Vacation!

Looking to plan a thrilling family vacation? Look no further than Universal Orlando Resort! With the choice between Hogwarts and the Velocicoaster, you're guaranteed to have an unforgettable adventure. Skip the lines on almost every attraction with an Express Pass, which can be included with your hotel stay. Need help planning? Don't hesitate to message me for tips on making your family trip a spontaneous and exciting one!

From Raptor Encounters to Butterbeer: read about my experience on Velocicoaster and why I love the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

Are you a thrill seeker?

The Velocicoaster at Universal Orlando Resort is an incredible ride that left me feeling exhilarated and amazed. The ride is thrilling from start to finish, with incredible speeds, twists, turns, and inversions. What I loved most about the ride was how smooth it was, despite all the intense maneuvers. The seat technology is different from other roller coasters, with no shoulder restraints which made me feel so free when going upside down. Overall, the Velocicoaster is an amazing roller coaster that I would highly recommend to anyone looking for an exciting and thrilling experience at Universal Orlando Resort.

One of the great things about the Velocicoaster is the queue experience. From the moment you step into the queue, you're transported into the world of Jurassic Park and the Jurassic World franchise. There are many Easter eggs and references to the movies throughout the queue, which is a treat for any fan.

A highlight of the queue is the containment room, where you get to see a raptor up close in its cage. For me, it is the most impressive part of the queue. Getting to see a life-sized raptor animatronic up close. The raptor is incredibly detailed and realistic, with every detail of its skin and features expertly crafted. It's an amazing experience that makes you feel like you're right in the middle of the action.

Overall, the queue for the Velocicoaster is an amazing journey in itself, and it's definitely worth taking the time to explore and appreciate all the details that have been included. It's just one more reason why the Velocicoaster is one of the best rides at Universal Orlando Resort.

Do you love getting lost in a fictional world?

On the other hand, when I visit Universal Orlando Resort, I also love spending time in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. It's a completely different experience from riding the Velocicoaster, but equally enjoyable in its own way. I love people-watching and soaking up the atmosphere, and there's no shortage of incredible details to admire in this immersive world. One of my favorite things to do is to try the different foods and drinks, including the famous butterbeer. It's also great fun to wear my Hogwarts robes and use my interactive wand to cast spells and explore the shops and attractions. In the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, I feel like I'm transported to my favorite fictional world, and I can easily get lost in the experience for hours on end. It's a must-visit for any Harry Potter fan or anyone who loves immersive theme park experiences.

When it comes to total immersion, the queue for Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey has to be the best you'll ever experience in a theme park. As you wind your way through the castle, you'll feel like you're really at Hogwarts, with incredible attention to detail and theming that makes you feel like you're part of the wizarding world.

From the moment you enter the castle gates, you'll be surrounded by incredible architecture, statues, and artwork, all designed to transport you to the world of Harry Potter. You'll walk through the Hogwarts Dungeon, past the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, and even through Dumbledore's office. Along the way, you'll encounter various interactive elements, such as the talking portraits, that add to the immersive experience.

One of the highlights of the queue is the sorting hat ceremony, where you'll be sorted into your Hogwarts house before boarding the ride. It's an amazing experience that really makes you feel like you're a part of the story. 

After you exit the ride Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey, you'll find yourself in Filch's Emporium of Confiscated Goods, a gift shop filled with all sorts of wizarding world goodies. The gift shop is a treasure trove for fans of the Harry Potter books and movies, with plenty of nods to the characters and stories throughout. You'll find all sorts of items for sale, from Hogwarts robes and house scarves to wands, magical creatures, and Quidditch equipment.

Pro Tip: Want to experience the immersive theming of Hogwarts Castle without riding Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey? Let the ride attendants know you do not wish to ride, and they'll direct you to a bypass line that takes you straight to the castle entrance. From there, you can explore the queue and its many immersive elements, including Dumbledore's office and the talking portraits, without going on the ride.


Ready to Experience the Adventure of a Lifetime? Check Out What's Included in Our Universal Package!

A Universal Orlando Resort package is a convenient way to book your vacation and often includes:

  1. Accommodations: The package includes a stay at one of Universal Orlando's on-site hotels or a nearby partner hotel.

  2. Park tickets: The package includes admission to Universal Studios Florida, Universal's Islands of Adventure, and Universal's Volcano Bay water theme park.

  3. Express Passes: Depending on the package you select; you may receive complimentary Universal Express Unlimited Passes that allow you to skip the regular lines at most attractions.

  4. Early park admission: Many packages also include early park admission to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter or select attractions at Universal Studios Florida or Universal's Islands of Adventure.

  5. Airfare: a variety of flight options are available.

  6. Transportation: Some packages may include transportation to and from the airport and between the parks and hotels.

As you can see, there are many benefits to booking a Universal Orlando Resort package, including accommodations, park tickets, Express Passes, early park admission, transportation, and dining plans. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right package for your family's needs and preferences. That's where a travel agent can help! As your travel agent, I can work with you to help you choose the best package for your family, taking into account your budget, travel dates, interests, and more. Plus, I have insider knowledge and can provide you with tips and advice to make the most of your vacation. So why not let me help you plan a fun and memorable vacation to Universal Orlando Resort? Contact me today to get started!

Thanks for reading my blogpost! Be sure to follow my travel adventures on Facebook and Instragram @GwendolensTravels. Or click here to learn more about me and to start planning your epic vacation.

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