Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The scary season is upon us!

Do you love being scared out of your mind? I can assure you that I Do Not. I am a big chicken and at 40 something years old, I'm still afraid of the dark. The haunting season is fast approaching with Universal Studios Halloween Horror Nights beginning September 3 and running through October 31, 2021.  A couple years back I had the opportunity to attend Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios Orlando.  Here is a little background on my specific experience. A group of fellow agents and I did the RIP Tour. The RIP Tour comes with several benefits that included:
  • VIP Entrance to Universal Studios
  • RIP Tour guide
  • VIP access to each haunted house
  • Reserved seating to live shows
  • Unlimited Express Pass to all other attractions and rides
  • RIP Lounge access
  • Complimentary valet parking
    Our evening started by entering Universal Studios through the VIP entrance and heading right over to check in for our tour. From our vantage point on the second floor we could see the crowds of people waiting to get into the park for an evening of frights. Having the VIP entrance, we were able to skip waiting in the long lines at the gate. Once all the day guests had exited the park it was time for the scaring to begin. Our guide escorted us through our first scare zone over to Cafe La Bamba for some complimentary food and beverages. This dining location is exclusive to RIP tour quests. The food consisted of tiny bites. There were Swedish meatballs, mac & cheese bites, mini beef wellingtons, mini quiche, and Asian chicken satay. For dessert options there were mini pies, cupcakes, and cookies. There was also a cash bar if you needed to purchase a some liquid courage. I didn't feel I needed any courage right off but did get some later in the evening at one of the RIP exclusive cash bars located inside the park. 
    The first scare zone we walked through was Revenge of Chucky. This zone featured possessed toys from your youth. I was dreading this one the most. I am not a fan of taking cute toys and making them scary. I mean why would you do that? To my surprise this scare zone was a piece of cake to walk through. Most likely because it was still light out. Now, had it been later in the evening I probably would have felt differently. After our first scare zone we headed out into the thick of things. All I could think was, "OMG, what have I gotten myself into?"

    Halloween Horror Nights (HHN) 2018 consisted of 10 houses and 5 scare zones. There were only two houses I was interested in. Poltergeist, cause I had seen that movie several times as a kid. And Stranger Things, as it was very popular at the time. I sill hadn't seen the show but once I returned home  I binged watched the entire series. That leaves 8 houses that I new nothing about. But this is where having an RIP guide really pays off. Before entering each house our guide would pull us off to the side and give us some background on the story and what we could expect to see inside. We would then be escorted to the express line and off we marched into the unknown. Our guide would be waiting for us, along with anyone in the group that chose not to enter the house, at the exit. 
    For each house I had my own protocols. First, I refused to be at the front or the end of the line. Second, I needed a buddy. Someone to guide me through the house because for 8 of the 10 houses my eyes were either closed or I was looking at the ground. If my buddy screamed I would immediately close my eyes. I wasn't taking any chances that I would have nightmares. Yes, I know. I'm a big chicken. 

   Now, how about a house that I did see with my own two eyes, the Poltergeist House. I was so impressed with how Universal was able to recreate the scenes from this 1980's movie. The outside facade was the inside of the pool with the house above you. You enter the house through the graveyard that house was built on. Then you walk into a room with Carol Anne putting her hands on a TV. And who doesn't remember the steak crawling across the counter? You also got a chance to see Marty looking at his reflection with his face peeling off. Eww! Then you entered the bedroom where a giant tree had smashed through the window and Robbie is being strangled by that scary clown doll. Next you walked into the closet and followed the blue light where Tangina would pop out. From here it was a series of other world rooms with scare actors, a giant skeleton head, and more scares from the clown. The last room featured a tv, but this time Carol Anne's hands were on the other side. I'm still amazed at what a great job Universal did with this house. 

    You move through the houses rather quickly so I'm sure there were things that I missed inside the Poltergeist house. If you love attention detail and don't want to miss any of it, I'd suggest attending Halloween Horror Nights more than once in a season. They do offer passes for multiple nights. And if you really want to see how they create the scares you should consider the Unmasking the Horror Tour. This a a daytime, VIP tour of multiple houses with the lights on (separate theme park admission required). This tour is definitely on my must do list for next time.

    After we completed all the houses we had the rest of the night to ourselves. We did take a little break from being scared and wandered around Diagon Alley. There are no scare actors in here so it's a great place to compose yourself before heading back into the scare zones or houses. When we were ready to call it quits we walked out a as group through multiple scare zones. Pro Tip: If someone in your group is terrified of getting caught off guard by a scare actor consider having a safe word. Ours was, "BANANA!" Anytime one of us saw something approaching our group we would shout that out.

    Halloween Horror Nights is a great event and is a lot of fun with a group of friends. If you would like more information on attending message me at The first Halloween Horror Nights 30 is September 3, 2021. That's just around the corner.

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